
In the keyword box, enter the word(s) you are researching.

If you are trying to find reference to multiple words within the same entry, make sure to select AND instead of OR to achieve optimal results. To ensure that all currently known spellings are included in the results, be sure to check the include alternate spellings box.

The database being searched was created by the Mayis team and consists of documents and historic records at the Maryland State Archives. Please note that not all records in the custody of the Maryland State Archives are included in this database. Work is ongoing and datasets are periodically updated as resources allow.

Last Updated: 11/15/2023

Choose AND to search by a phrase - note that wrapping the phrase in quotation marks is not needed.
  • * Tribe (Community) - Indigenous group, village, or Nation
  •    Event - important happening or occasion (treaty, conflict, etc.)
  •    Thing - objects, currency, material items
  •    Action - communication, trade, legal cases, etc.

18 results found.
Results per page:
Phrase on PageCitationDates Julian Dates LinkType
Accokick (Ackocick) Indians Volume 202, Pages xxviii 1697 Court Records of Prince George's County, Maryland 1696-1699 Tribe (Community)
Accokick (Ackocick) Indians Volume 202, Pages xxvii 1697 Court Records of Prince George's County, Maryland 1696-1699 Tribe (Community)
Accokick (Ackocick) Indians Volume 202, Pages xxi 1697 Court Records of Prince George's County, Maryland 1696-1699 Tribe (Community)
Accokick Indians Volume 26, Pages 38 1697 Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, September, 1704 - April, 1706 Tribe (Community)
Accokick Indians Volume 24, Pages 103 1697 Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1700 - May 3, 1704 Tribe (Community)
Accokick Indians Volume 26, Pages 114 1697 Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, September, 1704 - April, 1706 Tribe (Community)
Accokick Indians Volume 26, Pages 123 1697 Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, September, 1704 - April, 1706 Tribe (Community)
Accochick Indians Volume 23, Pages 142 1697 Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1696/7 - 1698 Tribe (Community)
Accokick Indians Volume 24, Pages 147 1697 Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1700 - May 3, 1704 Tribe (Community)
Accokick Indians Volume 22, Pages 329 1697 Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March 1697/8 - July 1699 Tribe (Community)

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